Books Product Personalities Psychology

“Design for Emotion” Now Available

After seven years of research and almost one and a half years of writing, I’m very pleased to announce that the book I’ve co-authored with Microsoft’s Edie Adams on designing for emotion and personality is available on Amazon.

Books Emotion & UX Psychology

Get Your Free Copy of Chapter 1 of “Design for Emotion”

UPDATED: Sept. 20: Over at the “Design for Emotion” site, you can get a free draft copy of Chapter 1 of our upcoming book, “Design for Emotion“.

Affective Design Theory Product Personalities Psychology

“Emotional Design with A.C.T. – Pt. 1” on Boxes and Arrows

Over at Boxes and Arrows, they’ve published the first part of an article I’ve been working on for some time now on how to design products with personalities that encourage the people who use them to form relationships.

Emotion & UX Interviews Persuasion Psychology

An Interview with Harry Max – Pt. 2

In Part 1 of this interview, I spoke with early Web pioneer Harry Max about how he used emotion to create the first secure online shopping experience. In Part 2 of this interview, Harry and I talk about how sensory sub-modalities influence and elicit emotion and picking the right personality for an interface in terms of power and status.

Emotion & UX Interviews Persuasion Psychology

An Interview with Harry Max – Pt. 1

Harry maxRecently, I had the chance to talk with early Web pioneer Harry Max about using NLP, emotion and personality to help create the first secure online shopping experience.

Affective Design Theory Articles Psychology

Design for Emotion and Flow on Boxes and Arrows

Over at Boxes and Arrows, they’ve just published an article I’ve written discussing how to design interfaces that encourage the creation of “flow“.

Emotional Products Emotions & Health Psychology

Searching for Happiness

Happiness is a topic that has been getting a lot of attention lately in design and research circles. One of the difficulties with any discussion around “happiness” is that everyone’s definition of the term differs. This ambiguity leads me to question exactly what it is that designers and researchers are measuring against when they find more or less “happiness”.

Affective Design Theory Product Personalities Psychology

Understanding Design for Emotion Models

With all the different models out there used to describe designing for emotion, it can be difficult to understand how to apply any individual model, or understand how all the models relate to each other. Several years ago, I set out to gain an understanding of how these models were different and how they were similar.

Affective Design Theory Opinions Psychology

Blink vs. Think, or Unconscious vs. Conscious

Malcolm Gladwell’s book Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking, was one book caught in the broad net I threw out while performing my master’s thesis research. When I read the book, I had a couple of issues with it…

Emotion & UX Interviews Persuasion Psychology

An Interview with Dr. BJ Fogg – Pt.3

In part 3, I talked with Dr. BJ Fogg about conducting research on persuasion and incorporating the results of that research into projects. Be sure to read part 1 and part 2 for more on persuasion and designing emotion…

Emotion & UX Interviews Persuasion Psychology

An Interview with Dr. BJ Fogg – Pt.2

In part 2 of my interview with Dr. BJ Fogg, we discuss social agents, social cues, Web 2.0, persuasion and designing for emotion. Be sure to read part 1 for more on persuasion and designing emotion…

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