Effects of Affect Emotional Products Opinions

Video Games Provide More Than Just Fun

Reuters has an article that has also appeared on CBC News on how video games provide more than just fun, satisfying deeper psychological and emotional needs…


Season’s Greetings from affective design

As 2006 wraps up, I’d like to wish you all a great holiday season!…

Effects of Affect Emotions & Health Opinions

Emotions and the Immune System

Science News has an article about how positive emotions reduce the emergence of cold symptoms…

Effects of Affect Emotion & Business Opinions

Road Rage on the Information Highway

EE Times has an article about how people exposed to poorly designed and hosted websites exhibit symptoms similar to those experienced during road rage…

Effects of Affect Emotion & Business Opinions

Positive Emotions Foster Creativity

A recent study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences found that positive moods foster creative thought…

Emotion & Business Opinions Persuasion

Tapping into the “Empathic Economy”

Creative Generalist has an interview with Jane Fulton Suri from IDEO about tapping into what she calls the “empathic economy”…

Effects of Affect Emotion & Business Opinions Persuasion

Unconscious, Emotional Decisions?

New Scientist has an article about how making complex decisions by relying on the unconscious mind results in more satisfaction…

Emotion & Business Opinions

Emotional Burnout and the New Ergonomics?

NY Magazine has an article about burnout in the workplace. The article is notable in that it talks about how one of the effects of the “always on” economy is…

Emotion & Business Opinions

Air Canada Ignores Experience Across Channels

Every time I’m forced to book a flight with Air Canada, due to the virtual monopoly they enjoy on Canadian flights, the experience can only be described as…

Emotion & UX Emotions & Information Opinions

Representing Emotions on the Internet

The W3C has created a group to explore the increased use of emotional cues on the web, including a set language for representing and annotating emotions…

Emotional Products Opinions

Detecting Aggression on the Street

New Scientist Tech has an article about how the town of Groningen in the Netherlands has installed microphones at street level to help monitor the ’emotional’ activity on the street…

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