Emotion & Business Emotional Products

Materialism and Self-Esteem in Children

Medical News Today has an article about how feelings of self-esteem affect materialistic values in youths and adolescents…

Effects of Affect Emotional Products Opinions

Video Games Provide More Than Just Fun

Reuters has an article that has also appeared on CBC News on how video games provide more than just fun, satisfying deeper psychological and emotional needs…

Emotional Products Opinions

Detecting Aggression on the Street

New Scientist Tech has an article about how the town of Groningen in the Netherlands has installed microphones at street level to help monitor the ’emotional’ activity on the street…

Emotional Products Emotional Services

How’s the internet feeling today?

We Feel Fine is the brainchild of Jonathan Harris and Sepandar Kamvar. The site ‘harvests’ human feelings (nice image ;-)) from weblogs by searching for the phrases “I feel” and “I am feeling” and then identifying the…

Emotional Products Opinions

Detect the ‘Mood’ of the Room

Steve Portigal sent me a link about a Japanese system called the Symbiotic Hosting Online Jog Instrument (SHQJI). This product can…

Emotional Products Opinions

Games that respond to our emotions? (Part 2)

Weekend America has a story about how a device made by EmSense can monitor emotions for use in gaming applications.

“Video games that can tell what you’re feeling and even alter how the game reacts to you based on your emotional state are on the horizon, says Mike Zyda, who heads up the University of Southern California’s video game development program.”…

Emotional Products Opinions

Sony’s Multi-Function Phone

Keeping with today’s mobile phone theme, has an article about a new phone from Sony-Ericsson, the W44S, which has a dual hinge feature that allows it to…

Emotional Products Opinions

Panasonic Emotion Phone has an article about a new phone from Panasonic (the “P702iD“) that includes visualizations (in the form of colour and image changes) of emotional state through voice analysis with something called…

Effects of Affect Emotional Products Opinions

Games that respond to our emotions? (Part 1) has developed a headset that can trackshifts in emotions during gameplay. I assume that when they say “emotions” they are referring specifically to…

Affective Design Theory Emotional Products

LEMTool for measuring emotions during website interaction

Kevin Capota, a master’s student at Twente University in the Netherlands, has written an article covering some of my master’s thesis research in emotions and HCI…

Emotional Products

Does the blogosphere have moods?

New Scientist has an article about software developed by Dutch researchers to track

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